Sometimes called a parlay. A bet where the winnings from one 안전한토토사이트 bet are placed on the next bet. The winnings accumulate, giving a large theoretical return. In reality, not very profitable as it only takes one to lose and your whole bet loses.
A combination of bets which guarantees a theoretical risk free profit. These sometimes occur when one bookie offers a price which is out of line with the rest of the market. Opportunities don’t last long as the bookie will adjust their prices accordingly.
Asian Handicap.
A type of bet where one team is given a handicap make the odds of beating the handicap around evens and the odds of not beating the handicap around evens. Popular in Asia.
A bet that is highly likely to win. Odds are usually less than 1.5 for these types of bets.
Betting Exchange.
A place where people bet against each other. The exchange takes a commission from each winning trade.
Book Value.
The over round that a bookie builds into the odds. For example a typical football match will be booked to 110% meaning that if you bet on all outcomes you’d lose about 10%. Very similar to payout which is defined as 100/book value. To work out book value simply use this formula, Book Value = 1/outcome1_odds + 1/outcome2_odds + …
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