Madalin stunt cars is an engaging race car game is the most popular and played racing game. Other versions of this game have also been released prior to this. This is simply the next step in the evolutionary process from its predecessors. There are not many significant changes made to this game, style and feel are both indicative of the series. However two new battle modes have been added, the Bomb Blast. In order to win the game player must have possession of the car when the timer goes off. The timer begins anytime a new player takes control of the car. In order to win the game the players must attack each other then pick up the position once it has been dropped. Bomb Blast is a battle mode that involves only the use of bombs.
Use of bombs:
Each player can only be hit three times before they are eliminated. Every time a player is hit by a bomb they receive a point. But those points can also be removed by hitting your opponent with a bomb. If two players are equally good then it might have to end in a stale-mate. The battle has been around since the original version, but it never gets old to play. Each opponent has three balloons on their cart object of game to pop other player’s car before they pop yours. Whoever is left with the most numbers win`s. All three of these battle modes are very entertaining and they all come with your choice of stages. Madalin stunt cars comes equipped with the characters out of video games. Each character has a certain weight that predetermines the choice of the carts that they will use.
Game reviews:
The heavier the character the bulkier and slower the car will be and vice versa. When choosing a car it will let you know how fast and how sturdy the car will be on the road. Each car will hold one character; a driver. The driver will attack the other players with the different items that are picked up from the question marks. Some of the optimal items to get are the spiny shell, red shell, mushroom, star, and thunderbolt. When you choose your two characters they also have the ability to give you special items. Nobody else can get when you grab a question mark. Player gets fire balls, Baby Luigi gets the chain chomp, and Bowser gets the Bowser shell, etc. When deciding your characters and your car at the beginning of the game this is something to take into consideration.
The choice of characters and all of their special items really make this game fun to play. The game is very repetitive and for some people may only keep them interested until they beat the levels. The split screen can be distracting and may give some people a bit of a headache. It is a good way to involve everyone, as long as there is no more than four in that group of everyone.
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